Friday, August 12, 2011

CAN BE - Only You Can Make you Rich!

CAN BE - Only You Can Make you Rich!. I've been Internet marketing for a decade, and one of the questions I get - that is, "Can you get rich?" - And again

As much as I would like to say "yes" ... the reality is that the answer is NO! You can not get rich more than it can make you famous, bright or talented.

Or can not "get rich" depends solely on you. All I can do is give the information and tools to make money. Did not get rich because they simply had the information. I do not win prizes and be invited to speak around the world because they had the tools. Those things do not happen in a vacuum. That happened because I took the information I had learned, and the tools I developed and put into practice.

Think about it ... with just a shovel and planting will not plant a tree. You have to just dig the hole and plant the tree. And if you think you're done, you're still much further to be rich than you think. Your tree needs watering and care continue to grow.

That is one of the biggest problems I see. An Internet marketing business - or any business for that matter - is like a sapling. You can not just fall into a hole in the ground and walk away. You have to give proper care and attention to grow and prosper. Too many people do that in business. To start it, but then forget about their business when their care needs of the majority, and then wonder why they grow.

Too often, I have given seminars in which people pay more than $ 5,000 a pop to attend, just to see nine out of ten do not open the tool box that had given them. If you want to be rich, you have to take action. You have to have the knowledge, tools and strategies and implement them. Take a look at successful people around you. Most likely, things are just "happens" around. What is "happening" is happening because of what they are doing.

Successful people are not limited to float through life experiencing success, they themselves lead a course to hit all day. If you want to experience success, you have to make it happen.

Nobody else can do for you.

CAN BE - Only You Can Make you Rich!

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